Make a Difference

Your support allows us to continue providing high-quality healthcare to our community in rural Tanzania. 

Unrestricted donations allow us to put resources where they are needed most. Thank you for your support!

Credit Card donations can be made securely through the DONATE NOW button above

You can Donate through Paypal at

You can Donate through Venmo, account name: @fameafrica

If you prefer to make a gift by check, please make payable to FAME and mail to: FAME, 4553 Crimsonwood Drive, Redding, CA 96001 USA

To make a gift using stock, a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) or a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA, please contact Jeanne Artress, FAME Treasurer at

For additional information about FAME or to discuss your interest in making a gift to support FAME’s work, please contact Rose Tobiassen, Managing Director at

FAME is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered in the United States. Federal Tax ID: 22-3883033

FAME also has a close partnership with Friends of FAME Deutschland e.V. If you need a tax deductible donation in Germany, you can donate to Friends of FAME Deutschland e.V. by clicking this link:


  • Help us fund capital projects, develop our infrastructure or enable us to purchase needed medical equipment in Tanzania

  • Sponsor continuing medical education for our healthcare workers

Email FAME’s Managing Director, Rose Tobiassen at for more information.


Bring people you know together and introduce them to FAME’s work in rural Tanzania.

  • Form a committee and host an event in your area

  • Hand pick potential supporters and host an intimate cocktail party or brunch

  • Host a fundraising event during Frank and Susan's annual spring fundraising trip (contact for more information)

  • Turn a special occasion, like a birthday party, into an opportunity to raise money for FAME.

  • Run a marathon or climb a mountain

  • Speak at your church

  • Start a social media campaign

  • Make a donation in honor of someone you care about

The possibilities are endless! Get others involved in advancing patient-centered care in rural Tanzania!